Do you believe in sympathies? Know that there are some easy ones to do

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We've all heard about spell rituals. Many people believe in them, and there are also non-believers. That way, even if for some people this is not true, others resort to these sympathies to conquer what they want. We highlight some tips for sympathies to help achieve your goals.

Some spells are very powerful and easy to do

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Check out three sympathies below to help you achieve your goals:

More attitude of your love

  • 6 petals of red roses or roses;
  • Honey;
  • White paper;
  • Essence for love;
  • 1 blue candle;
  • 1 pink candle

How to make

You must do it on a Friday with a crescent moon, promptly at 6 pm. Take the rose petals and place them in a container. Also add the honey covering all of them. Then write the person's full name on a white paper and spread honey all over the paper. Add 2 or 4 drops of essences that stimulate love. With everything ready, light candles inside the container and let them burn until the end. The ashes must be thrown into nature.

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fulfill wish

Make a carrot cake batter as usual, but while making it, think of everything you want. With each preparation, you must reinforce your objective. For example, as you mix all the ingredients together, imagine your desire manifesting and taking shape. If the cake is rising, it means that you will achieve your wish.

More money

  • 1 L of pure sugarcane juice;
  • 12 coins of 1 real;
  • Cinnamon Incense.

This preparation must be done on a Sunday. Write short motivational letters to strangers and, as you write, let your intention flow. To each card add a coin. After ready, put it in easy access places for people to find. Take a bath at home hygiene and finally, pour the sugarcane juice from the neck down. No need to rinse! If you have, light the incense and thank the prosperity in your life and remember all your achievements, blessing each one of them.

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