How to care for orchids

To the orchids are plants widely used in decoration houses and gardens, but they need some care to stay beautiful all the time and bloom once a year.

We separate some care tips for your orchid to always be beautiful and well cared for. Check it out below how to care for orchids!

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How to care for potted orchids

The clay vase is best suited for orchids. They have greater porosity and are more efficient in draining the water.

This does not mean that if your orchid is in a vase made of another material, it will not survive. You just need to be more careful that there is no accumulation of water that leaves the roots soaked.

Still in the vase, you need to observe if the plant is too high, close to the opening of the vase. If it is, it's better to change the pot for a bigger one, so that it is at least two fingers below the limit of the pot.

The substrate base for the vase should have dried coconut fiber chips and a little bit of

moss, so it will be well drained and, at the same time, will retain some moisture.

Basic orchid care

Orchid leaves most often do not tolerate Sun direct light, therefore, they must be placed in places with indirect light or without exposure to the sun for long periods.

If possible, at the time of watering, also wet the orchid leaves, you can put the vase under water and let it drain well.

Orchids should be watered whenever the substrate is dry and it is recommended to use a good fertilizer to replenish the nutrients needed for the plant to develop.

Chemical fertilizers act quickly on orchids, but they must be placed in the right amount, as in excess they can harm the plants.

How to care for orchids
How to care for orchids.

Appropriate place to grow your orchid

Finding an appropriate place for your orchid is one of the main measures to have beautiful plants all year round.

They should stay where they receive indirect light and are always well ventilated. If you choose to leave your orchid in the garden and it is an epiphyte, try placing it attached to a tree.

Be careful that your plant is not attacked by diseases and pests, as they can kill it. Maintaining proper watering and light care can help your plant stay healthy.

See too:

  • How to grow mint – Learn how to plant, care and other important tips
  • How to take care of fern - Learn how to grow this plant!
  • Apartment plants – Types and species of indoor plants
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