Do you know which DC's most powerful villains are? Find it out!

Some villains that appear in films produced by DC have great potential, which is not explored, and that can increase the power they have. It's worth checking out who they are. So, find out who are the most powerful DC villains.

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DC heroes are often powerful, but they hold nothing against their enemies. That's why villains are more powerful than them, making battles more intense and desperate.

Some villains have more advantages over heroes because they usually have an intention and/or objective when facing them. Depending on the villain, he has more powers than they realize.

The villains that we will mention have powers that they do not use or imagine that they have other abilities. Sometimes, they use the powers they believe possess the most skill and end up leaving others aside. If they exploited all his powers better, the heroes they would have more work to fight against them.

DC's Most Vicious Villains

1. The Reverse Flash

The Flash was evil before he went through resurrection, but after that, he got a lot worse. He used his power to travel through time and modify his personal timeline, but in doing so, he committed many crimes.

What's more, he has basic super-speed moves. However, this power is not used in the best way. The more heroic sprinters mastered the race better. ability. The reverse flash, used the easiest moves and therefore was defeated.

2. joker

The Joker is considered a born killer, has great strength, is considered a dangerous fighter, but is not trained enough to win battles. Although he doesn't have a superpower, he has abilities that no other human possesses.

However, he does not exploit these skills very well and ends up not taking advantage of them, being defeated in the battles he fights.

3. darkseid

He is considered the "God of evil", fearsome fighter, and even if those who do the dirty work are his lackeys, he is powerful and strong, even stronger than yellow sun-powered Kryptonians.

But that is not his greatest power. His greatest power is having the Omega Effect, the eye locks can kill anyone with just one hit.

Despite having the ability to kill any of Earth's heroes and New Genesis, he rarely gets off his throne and does the job.

4. Superboy-Prime

Superboy-Prime has a level of power that most DC villains possess. The pre-Crisis Kryptonian, has the power that is considered to be nearly infinite from the Silver Age Superman.

Everything indicates that with this power, he could easily move a planet, fly faster than the speed of light and still travel in time. In addition, I possess a superintelligence.

He was known to use his strength and heat vision, but that was about it. The big problem is that he never tries to use the other abilities/powers he has, that is, he only uses the powers that allowed him to kill easily and not the ones that allowed him to win.

5. Lex Luthor

This is a DC villain that has the most cool abilities. He is considered one of the top three smartest humans. Lex manages to develop extremely powerful weapons, with advanced technology.

His ability to develop technology allows him to withstand blows at Superman level. The weapons he builds can hurt the most powerful heroes.

There's just no way Lex Luthor isn't one of the most powerful. And this is proven by the things he develops, but unfortunately or fortunately, he doesn't use his skills well.

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