Scammers steal your FGTS through Caixa Tem; see how to protect yourself

Scammers around the world every day devise plans and frauds increasingly complex. This time, criminals are tricking people simply and quickly to steal the FGTS. Thus, taking advantage of the victim's innocence, they induce registration through clickable links, on a fraudulent website similar to the original.

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The scam aims to obtain the personal data of the targets, to later log in or even create a account in the victim's Caixa Tem application and request the Extraordinary FGTS Withdrawal in the amount of BRL 1.000,00.

To do this, the scammer sends a fake SMS to the victim, informing them that the Caixa Tem password has expired and that they need to create a new one through the link provided. However, this link leads to a fake page that simulates the bank, allowing the scammer to have access to the typed information.

Check out 3 tips on how to protect yourself

The most important measure is to be wary of unknown links received via WhatsApp or SMS, where you are asked to register documents, passwords, accounts, telephones, emails, etc. Always try to verify the information indicated in official information vehicles, physical locations, service telephones and official applications.

Another very important measure is not to trust the help of third parties that may offer. Ask for assistance from accredited employees and collaborators of the institution, in case of face-to-face assistance. Furthermore, scammers often act as official representatives through phone calls or messages, therefore, be aware if you receive a call or SMS, especially if personal data and banking.

It is worth mentioning that even if you do not have a Caixa Tem account, you are still not safe! That's because criminals can create a login in your name and request your FGTS withdrawal. One way to protect yourself in this case is to register as soon as possible and keep the information updated, and whenever you receive the amounts deposited in Caixa Tem, transfer them immediately to another account.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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