Mosquitoes bite the same people every time, why?

Mosquitoes are insects that appear very frequently in the summer season. And, therefore, they become one of the complaints during this period that is hot and for many individuals still comes with rashes on the skin that cause itching. That's why today we list everything about the fact that frequent bites of mosquitoes and what to do to avoid them around.

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Check now details about the reason for mosquito bites:

the mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are insects that cause great inconvenience to people during the summer season. The large number of these is due to the fact that the eggs of this population of insects hatch faster, due to the heat, and their number multiplies.

Their preferred habitat are roofs of houses, dark places, woods and abandoned places. To maintain their survival, they feed on the blood they suck from people.

Mosquitoes are also known as mosquitoes and can cause inconvenience to people because they cause allergies due to their bite and because they do not let people sleep due to their flying buzz.

Why do mosquitoes bite the same people?

What most people wonder is why they are always bitten by mosquitoes, but it is important to point out that the smell of the human body releases a greater amount of odors during the summer and this may be a factor to be considered.

In addition, when you practice physical exercises, a greater amount of pheromones and this leads to the attraction of insects. The heat is the main factor for being bitten by muriçocas, because, as already mentioned, there are more of them and they are looking for food. Furthermore, the individual's blood factor may be something that needs to be considered at this time.

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