See how to consult or schedule your medical examinations through My INSS

If you performed a medical expertise recently, know that the result can be consulted on the internet, without the need to leave the house and drive to an agency. This is because the worker can find out the result of his disability benefit through the government application My INSS. The medical examination carried out by the Institute is requested from the employee who, whether due to illness or accident, needs to be away from work and therefore is unable to receive assistance.

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As well as the request for sickness benefit, which offers benefit due to the temporary incapacity of the worker, its extension also requires a new medical expertise, which can be done in a hospital environment or even the residence.

This novelty of the result of the expertise that can be consulted by application has made people's lives a lot easier. In addition, it is also possible to schedule the appointment through the portal and the application.

With My INSS, citizens can follow the results of requests. The purpose of all this is to avoid queues and reduce people's waiting time for service.

Thus, after accessing the website or application, the worker must go to the option “Result of Disability Benefit”. It is worth mentioning that the result of the medical examination will only be available from 9 pm on the same day it was carried out.

In order to make the appointment, the worker needs to enter the app or website and click on “Schedule Expertise”, and then on the sequence inform about which expertise it is, which may be initial, extension, rescheduling or in person by appointment doctor. Once this is done, just follow the steps indicated on the portal and finalize the appointment.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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