Indirect complement: di tempo. Indirect complement: of time

Meaning: / Meaning: * "Complement that indicates a determination of time." / ‘Add-on indicating a time setting’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

The indirect tempo complement is a division in due type: fixed tempo and continuous tempo. It is important that you capture the difference of the dark sense, this is loose semantics, ossia, if it riferisce just the field dell'idea./ The indirect complement of time is divided into two types: fixed time and continuous time. It is important that you understand the difference in meaning between them, as this is only semantics, that is, it refers only to the field of idea.

Fixed time / Fixed time

Second to the Garzanti di Italiano, the meaning of the definite tense is: “Complement that indicates the moment in which it verifies the espressa of the verb.”. Allora, I should have in test that this complement will always indicate a specific period in which it is avvenuta unoneazione or a circostanza qualsiasi. Vedi gli esempi. / According to the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano, the meaning of determined tense is: 'Complement that indicates the moment in which the action expressed by the verb takes place'. So, you should keep in mind that this add-on will always indicate a specific time or period when any action or circumstance took place. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia has seen Paolo ieri. / Giulia saw Paolo yesterday.

2) Giulia Arrivò alle otto. / Giulia arrived at 8am.

3) You have writtenil lunedì. / I wrote to you Monday.

4) Ho conosciuto Giulia during the party che ha dato Paolo. / I met Giulia during the party Paolo threw.

Do attenzione, poiché the complement of the determinate time always answer alle domande: When? In which moment?. Be careful to come back to this add-on appare senza preposition eat si può osservare in alcuini esempi sopra. Make part of the question cast espressioni come: un selo fa, l’anno scorso, un tempo, di when in when ecc../ Pay attention, as the fixed-time complement will always answer the questions: when? At what time? Be aware that sometimes this complement appears without a preposition, as can be seen in some examples above. Expressions such as: un secolo fa, l secoanno scorso, un tempo, di when in when etc. are also part of this list.

continuous time / continuous time

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Secondo Dardano and Trifone al libro “Italian Grammatica con nozioni di linguistica”, continuous tense means: “Indicates how long the circostanza espressa dal verb lasts.”. See the continuation time if it lasts the time if you need it when there is no time. Osserva gli esempi./ According to Dardano and Triphone in the book “Grammatica italiano con nozioni di linguistica”, continuous tense: ‘Indicates how long the action or circumstance expressed by the verb lasts’. See that in continuous time one speaks of duration of time without specifying when the action develops. Look at the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) During the first semester she has written due tesi. / During the entire semester she wrote two theses.

2) Giulia ha English studiato per quattro anni. / Giulia studied English for four years.

3) Mario finirà il lavoro in poche ore. / Mario will finish the job in a few hours.

4) Fa freddotutto il giorno. / It's cold all day.

Note che this complement risponderà alle domande: How much?, For how long?, In how long? If it renders important anche sapere che the complement of the continuous time is straight from the preposizioni per, in, da, and dalle locuzioni during, fine a, end da, oltre. È possibile essere retto da avverbi come: lungamente, always ecc../ Note that this add-on will answer the questions: how much? For how long? How long? It is also important to know that the continuous time complement is governed by the prepositions ‘per’, ‘in’, ‘da’, and by the phrases ‘during’, ‘fine a’, ‘fin da’, ‘oltre’. It is possible to be ruled by adverbs such as: ‘longingly’, ‘always’ etc.

Puntata! / Tip!

It is possible to trovare altri testi sui complementi indiretti. Allora, please advise: "Indiretti complement: motorbike da luogo and motorbike per luogo”, “Indirect complement: di luogo”, “I complemented frasali”, “I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”. / You can find other texts on indirect complements on the website. So I advise you to access: “Complementi indiretti: moto da luogo and moto per luogo”, “Complement indiretto: di luogo", "I complementi frasali", "I complementi indiretti: di specificazione e di finish”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Indirect complement: di tempo"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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