- Ci sono I gave verbiage that I can't use it and eat it as a help essere Che aver senza cambiare sense. / There are some verbs that can use or have as an auxiliary both the essere how much the aver without changing the direction.
Vedi gli esempi:/ See the examples:
(live) Giulia ha/ is vulsute to Rio de Janeiro during molti anni. / Giulia lived in Rio de Janeiro for many years.
(piovere) Ieri sera ha/ is piovuto. / Last night it rained.
Osservassione: / Observation: It is understood, then, that using both auxiliary verbs with ‘vivere’ and ‘piovere’ is correct.
- If a verb is the transitive sense oppure intransitive in a sentence, it may be used if it has its complement./ If a verb has a transitive or intransitive idea in a sentence, it can use both essere and avere, according to its complement.
Vedi degli esempi: / See some examples:
1) (finire)
- the party is finite./ The party is over. (in this case the verb ‘finire’ is intransitive)
- Giulia ha finite di studiare. / Giulia just finished studying. (in this case the verb ‘finire’ is transitive)
2) (start)
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
- Lo spettacolo it's commitia. / The show has started. (in this case the verb 'cominciare' is intransitive)
- Giuseppe she has a commitia to pay i conti. / Giuseppe started to pay the bills. (in this case the verb ‘cominciare’ is transitive)
3) (change)
- Giulia It's exchange with me. / Giulia changed with me. (in this case the verb 'cambiare' is intransitive)
- Giulia there is exchange gli occhiali da sole./ Giulia changed her sunglasses. (in this case the verb 'cambiare' is transitive)
Pay attention! / Watch!
There are other verbs like these that you could see in the examples above. They are: leape, iniziare, scendere, among others.
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Essere e Avere usati come ausiliari - Particolarità di use dei verbi ausiliari essere ed avere"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/essere-avere-usati-come-ausiliari-particolarita.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.