Brazil Aid: Find out if anyone who is MEI can receive the benefit

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Since the end of 2021, the Federal Government has started distributing the installments of the Brazil Aid. This social program came to replace Bolsa Família and increased the value of the installment, which is now R$ 400.00. Thus, the Ministry of Citizenship reported that the program has already reached more than 18 million people. However, there are still many doubts about receiving the amount, such as, for example, whether Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs) can receive it. So, if this is also your question, check out what the prerequisites really are and if MEI can receive the Brazil Aid.

Read more: Understand how MEI retirement by INSS works.

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Income criterion is the most important

There is no criterion that prevents MEIs from receiving Auxílio Brasil, if they fit within the income criterion. Even because, it is already considered that the program can easily serve as a complement to the family income. Likewise, even those who have a formal contract can benefit from the program.

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However, in all cases, priority is given to income, which is the factor that most prevents people from receiving assistance. After all, the program is intended for families whose income is up to R$ 210.00 per person. And this may be the reality of some Brazilian Individual Microentrepreneurs, as well as people who have professional registration with the CLT.

Who can receive the Brazil Aid?

Confirming, the most important thing is that the family is within the income range that the Federal Government has stipulated for the program. However, there are other rules that must be observed when applying for the Brazil Aid. For example, it is necessary that the whole family has an active registration with up-to-date information in CadÚnico.

This is the register that the Government uses to map families that are in vulnerable situations in Brazil. Thus, it is recommended that, before anything else, a family representative register with the city's CRAS. And it is worth remembering that any family member, over 18 years old, can register as a family representative.

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