When is it a good alternative to pay your Nubank credit card bill in installments?

Currently, some financial institutions and fintechs are able to provide the function of paying a card bill in installments so that their customers do not get into debt. Even Nubank is one that allows you to share this charge.

However, you still need to analyze the situation before choosing this alternative. check out how invoice installment works in Nubank!

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The functioning of the installment of Nubank card invoices

With the option to pay credit card bills in installments, customers can better organize their finances, avoiding fines and interest arising from late payment, for example.

Thus, when using the tool, Nubank credit card users can request so that the amount of expenses for that month is divided and diluted between installments for the next months.

In addition, fintech customers can take advantage of the functionality within the digital bank application that is available for both Android and IOS systems to regularize themselves.

Thus, when accessing the app, users can choose whether they want to share the entire invoice, or just a part. However, it is necessary to pay at least the minimum amount of the charge.

When to choose to pay your purple credit card bill in installments

See when it is worth paying a credit card bill in installments:

  • Choose to pay in installments when the revolving interest will enter: it's better to split the charge when you can't pay the entire invoice. Any unpaid amount will be charged later with revolving interest, which is generally higher than the interest charged during the installment payment;
  • Opt for installments when you have extra expenses: if the customer has an unexpected expense, for example, he can use the installment of the invoice to be able to afford the amount and pay it with more time for financial organization.

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