Exercises on fungal diseases

You fungus are individuals belonging to Kingdom Fungi. They are eukaryotes and heterotrophs, are part of many important processes in ecosystems.

However, some fungi can parasitize humans and cause illnesses which are popularly called mycoses.

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We prepared a list of exercises on fungal diseases so that you can test your knowledge about the diseases caused by these parasites.

You can consult the feedback and save this list of exercises in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises on fungal diseases

1) (OBB) Fungi are responsible for several diseases in man. Regarding mycoses, mark the correct alternative:

a) are easily treated with antibiotics.
b) can be combated by the action of antiretroviral agents such as AZT.
c) can be avoided by decreasing the humidity of the affected areas.
d) are autoimmune diseases.
e) are caused only by unicellular fungi.

2) Dermatophytoses are skin diseases caused by contamination by three types of fungi. Observe the alternatives below and mark the only genus that is not considered a dermatophyte.

The) microsporum.
B) Trichophyton.
w) Saccharomyces.
d) Epidermophyton.

3) (UFRGS) The statements below refer to the group of fungi.

I – Yeasts are known for their ability to ferment carbohydrates and produce ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, being used by winemakers, bakers and brewers.
II – Pathogenic fungi are the main cause of skin diseases in people who have an affected immune system, such as, for example, those infected with the HIV virus.
III – Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites produced by some fungi, which frequently contaminate peanuts, corn, wheat, among others, and may cause liver cancer in people and animals that ingest them.

Which ones are correct?

a) I only.
b) II only.
c) Only I and II.
d) Only II and III.
e) I, II and III.

4) Athlete's foot is a disease called epidermophytosis. This injury happens in regions of the body that don't have hair. In this type of dermatophytosis, fungi affect:

a) the stratum corneum.
b) the dermis.
c) the hypodermis.
d) the basal layer.
e) the germ extract.

5) Dermatophyte fungi can affect humans and other animals. When a species affects only domestic and wild animals, it is called:

a) anthropophilic.
b) geophilic.
c) zoophilic.
d) keratophilic.
e) epidermophilic.

6) Fungi have great economic and ecological applicability. However, some cause diseases in the body. Check the alternative that does not present a disease caused by a fungus:

a) athlete's foot.
b) cryptococcosis.
c) white cloth.
d) candidiasis.
e) erysipelas.

7) Some dermatophytoses are caused by fungi that reach deeper regions of the skin, such as the hypodermis, and may trigger abscesses. This type of dermatophytosis is called:

a) epidermophytiasis.
b) dermatophytic onychomycosis.
w) tinea pedis.
d) subcutaneous and deep dermatophytosis.
It is) tinea unguium.

8) (UDF) All items indicate some importance linked to fungal activity, except:

a) can cause diseases called mycoses.
b) play a fermentative role.
c) autotrophic production of organic substances for consumption by other beings.
d) some produce antibiotics.
e) participate in the formation of lichens.

9) Dermatophytoses are infections caused by fungi known as keratinophilic, that is:

a) fungi capable of degrading keratin to facilitate its entry into the skin.
b) fungi that remove keratin from one region and deposit it in another.
c) fungi that establish physical association with keratin.
d) fungi capable of using keratin for nutrition.
e) fungi capable of using keratin in the production of a plasmatic membrane.

10) (Naval College) Several diseases that affect humans are caused by microorganisms. Two very common diseases are tetanus and oral candidiasis, which are caused by bacteria and fungus, respectively. Tetanus is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, which can penetrate the body through cuts in the skin with contaminated objects. Oral candidiasis, also called “thrush”, is mainly caused by the fungus candida albicans, which is found in our microbial flora. However, when the immune system is weakened, the fungus population increases causing mouth infections.

Therefore, mark the option that presents, respectively, characteristics of bacteria and fungi.

a) Unicellular, prokaryote with bacterial wall / unicellular, eukaryote with chitin wall.
b) Multicellular, prokaryote with bacterial wall / unicellular, prokaryote with cellulose wall.
c) Unicellular, eukaryote with plasma membrane / unicellular, eukaryote with cellulose wall.
d) Multicellular, starch-walled eukaryote / unicellular, chitin-walled prokaryote.
e) Multicellular, prokaryote with plasma membrane / unicellular, prokaryote with cellulose wall.


1 – c
2 – c
3 – and
4 – the
5 – c

6 – and
7 – d
8 – c
9 – d
10 – the

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of dengue exercises
  • List of cell cycle exercises
  • List of exercises on amphibians

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