ANS regulates mandatory coverage by health plans for THESE drugs

After the regulation carried out by the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS), it became mandatory full coverage of drugs against severe asthma and ovarian and kidney cancer, by health insurance. The new normative resolution of November 4, 2022, published by the Diário da União ensures that 4 drugs are covered by health plans. Check out this article all about this news:

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As of this Wednesday (11/09/2022) health plans must obligatorily cover the total amount of drugs Niraparib, Dupilumab, Axitinib and Cabozantinib that are used in the treatment of severe Asthma and Cancer of ovary and kidney.

The mandatory addition of these drugs to the list of health procedures and events in the context of supplementary health is the responsibility of ANS and was published in the form of regulations, in the Diário da União on November 9, 2022.

Each medicine added to the list costs between R$ 10,000 and R$ 30,000 in the private market.

See the role of each below:

  • Niraparib: Used in the treatment of advanced high-grade primary peritoneal, ovarian, fallopian tube, or ovarian carcinoma;
  • Dupilumab: Used in the treatment of severe asthma;
  • Axitinib: It is combined with Pembrolizumab and used to treat renal cell carcinoma metastatic or advanced, clear cell, with intermediate or unfavorable prognostic risk in first line;
  • Cabozantinib: It is combined with nivolumab and used for the first-line treatment of adult patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma.

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