Pronomi diretti con tempi composti

I pronomi diretti sono parti variabili del discorso and che che che che chéno sotiture oggetti and anche persone. Second the general regola with AVERE nei tempi composti, the passing part of the verb non cambia, for when abbiamo a direct pronoun questa regola cambia. Vedi eats, during il testo!/ Direct pronouns are variable parts of speech and can replace objects as well as people. According to the general rule with AVERE, in compound tenses, the past participle of the verb does not change, but when we have a direct pronoun this rule changes. Look:

Fà attenzione alla regola generale senza pronoun diretto: / Pay attention to the general rule without direct pronoun:

1) ho unpublished la posta./ I sent the mail.

2) Abbiamo visa Giulia and Maria. / We saw Giulia and Maria.

3) Aveva mangiato tutta la torta ./ He (she) had eaten the whole pie.

4) veal veal the scarpe. / I had bought shoes.

5) have seen Giuseppe. / He (she) saw Giuseppe.

6) Abbiamo visa Marco and Paolo. / We saw Marco and Paolo.

See orally the stesse phrase with the direct pronoun:

/ Now see the same sentences with the direct pronoun:

1) thereI'm inviata. / I sent it.

2) Leabbiamo saw. / We saw them.

3) thereshe aveva mangiata tutta. / He (she) ate it all up.

4) LeAvevo Comprate. / I had bought them.

5) thereI have seen. / I saw him.

6) readabbiamo visti. / We saw them.

Attenzione alle frasi (3 and 4), loro podeno essere tradotte al portoghese ai tempi quemore-than-perfect semplice’ ed anche ‘more-than-perfect compound’ senza pregiudizio di senso. / Pay attention to the sentences (3 and 4), they can be translated into Portuguese in the times 'more-than-perfect simple' and also 'more-than-perfect composed' without prejudice to their meaning.

Pay attention! / Watch!

See the promotions (LO, LA, LI, LE) with the compost time, the passing part of the verb must change according to the gender and number (Maschile / Femminile, Singolare / Plurale). / Note that the direct pronouns (LO, LA, LI, LE) with compound tenses, the past participle of the verb must change according to gender and number (Male / Female, Singular / Plural).

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Osserva il piccolo brano del dialogo: “Dove li hai Comprati?”*/ Note the small excerpt of the dialogue: “Dove li hai Comprati?”

“Marta: Che begli orecchini! dove readhai bought?

Giulia: readho bought la settimana scorsa from Bulgari.

Marta: Sleep bellissimi! i imagine che readavrai pagati molto.

Giulia: Beh...insomma! Mother, invece, piacciono molto le tue scarpe.

Martha: Grazie! Sleep again. Leho shop for the marriage of Alessia... What's up?”

*Excerpt taken from Nuovo Progetto Italiano 1 - unità 8 (Corso multimidiale di lingua e civiltà italiano. Eilingua.

Note bene! / Watch!

I must be attentive when I promini diretti sono (MI, TI, CI, VI) perché the participio passato del verb nei tempi composti non cambierà in questi casi. / You must be aware when the direct pronouns are MI, TI, CI, VI, because the participle of the verb in compound tenses will not change in these cases.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia, have seen you con Giuseppe ieri when uscivo dal lavoro. / Giulia, I saw you with Giuseppe yesterday when I got off work.

2) We met la ragazza che she has a parlato sullo show di stasera? / Do you know the lady who told us about tonight's show?

3) Perché non hai detto tutto? / Why didn't you tell me everything?

4) I saw chiamato dopo la scene and non c’era nessuno. / I called you after dinner, but there was no one.*

*This sentence can also be translated as follows: "I called you after dinner, but there was no one."

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Pronomi diretti con tempi composti"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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