Il present indicative: verbi irregolari

Significance/Meaning: irregular verbs are those that do not follow, in their inflection, the same or the typical representation of the conjugation to which it belongs. The irregularity can consist of:

1) in the exchange of the verb root;
2) in exchanging the usual endings;
3) in exchanging the root and endings at the same time.

Abbiamo comes esempi i siganti verbi irregolari: andare (1st coniugazione), sapere (2nd coniugazione) and venire (3rd coniugazione)./ We have as examples the following irregular verbs: andare = ir (1st conjugation), sapere = saber (2nd conjugation) and venire = vir (3rd conjugation) conjugation).

persone of discord FLOOR SAPERE VENIRE
Io go Only I come
You Go Leaves Vienna
law/law/lui Go Sa Vienna
No I walk Sappiamo veniam
go Andate shoes Venite
parrot vanno sanno vengono

Osservassone:/ Observation: In the Italian language, most irregular verbs are inserted in the 2nd conjugation. Knowing this, there is no other way than to memorize each conjugation.

  • It is interesting to see the conjugation of the following verbs, as they are irregular:/ It is interesting that you see the conjugation of some verbs below, as they are irregular:

1st coniugazione: dare (to give), stare (to be)
2nd coniugazione: essere (to be), fare (to do)
3rd coniugazione: salire (to go up), uscire (to go out)

* Don't forget that it is very important to have a book of verbs so that you can answer your doubts about conjugation verbal, as there are verbs, such as 'fare', which despite having their ending in the 1st conjugation, are part of the 2nd conjugation.

1st Coniugazione:

persone of discord DARE STAR
Io Of Sto
You So stay
law/law/lui Gives Sta
No I diamond Stiam
go Gives you State
parrot damage Stanno

2nd Coniugazione:

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

person of discord FARE ESSERE
Io faccio Sleep
You fai Know
law/law/lui Fan È
No I Faciamo siam
go Fate site
parrot Fanno Sleep

3rd Coniugazione:

persone of discord USCIRE SALIRE
Io choose salt
You Esci Sali
law/law/lui Get out Sale
No I we used Saliamo
go Uscite Salite
parrot hide salgono

* The verbal conjugation that appears italics, corresponds to the irregularity in each person of the verb.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Il present indicative: verbi irregolari"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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