One of the things that affects Brazilians' pockets the most is the energy tariff. Thus, ways are sought to save at all costs, turning off all the lights, saving on the washing machine and electronic equipment.
Those with low incomes, however, may have a lower electricity bill. For this, it is necessary to prove the income and register in the Social Tariff and with that it is possible to considerably reduce the value of the account.
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The Social Tariff on your electricity bill
The Electric Energy Social Tariff (TEE) was created by Law No. 10,438, of April 26, 2002. It authorizes low-income consumers to have the right to exemption from Energy Development (CDE) and the funding of the Incentive Program for Alternative Electric Energy Sources (Proinfa).
For those who are entitled to the social tariff, it can vary according to the monthly consumption of each family. With this, the discount will be 65% for families with consumption of up to 30 kWh per month, 40% for those who consume between 31 and 100 kWh per month, and for those who consume between 101 and 220 kWh per month, the cost is around 10% per month.
To enjoy the benefit, you must register with CadÚnico in your city and follow the steps to register for the social tariff.
Registration in the Social Tariff
To be entitled to the TEE is very simple, as it is automatically calculated in your account when you meet certain requirements. The first is to register with CadÚnico and have a monthly income equal to or less than one and a half minimum wages. People aged 65 or over who receive the Benefit of Continued Benefit (BPC) are also entitled to the discount.
Finally, those people who are enrolled in the CadÚnico and have a disabled family member who need appliances that require energy for their operation can also have access to the Tariff Social.