Foods that are considered remedies for blood vessel health

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take care of blood vessels it is essential to avoid some serious illnesses and maintain the normal functioning of our organism. To ensure that it works optimally, it is important to practice physical activity to keep the body healthy. However, some foods are considered remedies for vascular health.

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Blood vessels and their importance

Blood vessels have a hollow tube shape, with the function of transporting blood throughout the body. These vessels carry all the nutrients the cells need and remove all the toxic substances they produce through the blood.

However, if this continuous flow is interrupted for any reason, the tissue can be damaged or even die. With that, there will be consequences, causing extreme discomfort, pain, swelling and burning at the site.

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4 foods that will serve as a home remedy

Below you will see the main foods that help blood vessels to function properly. They all have the potential to improve blood pressure and prevent heart disease.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli is rich in vitamin E, which prevents blood clots and lowers blood cholesterol levels. In addition, this vegetable belonging to the cruciferous family contains lutein, a substance that prevents premature degeneration of the soft tissues of the eye (prevents the development of cataracts).

  • Pomegranate

Pomegranate antioxidants can eliminate everything that is harmful to the body. Therefore, drinking half a glass of fruit juice prevents harmful substances from accumulating in the blood vessels (recommended for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes).

  • Rosemary

Rich in carnosic acid, rosemary has antioxidant properties that fight the formation of free radicals. In addition, it contains rosmarinic acid, which is responsible for reducing inflammation in the body and increasing the flow of small blood vessels.

  • Orange

Known for the presence of vitamin C, oranges are also indirectly one of the foods that are good for blood circulation. This fruit has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, which helps to improve blood flow and relieve pressure in the vessels.

This article does not provide solutions for medical or psychological problems. Consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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