Scholarships to study outside Brazil: Canada, China and the United States

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Several Brazilians dream of living abroad, especially if it is to study, thus improving their personal development and adding to their curriculum.

The cultural experience can end up being interesting for Brazilians who dream of visiting several places. Therefore, we separate some registrations that are open and with vacancies for Brazilians. Check it out now in this post about scholarships to study abroad in Brazil.

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The Canadian School Durham College offers vacancies for the 2022 school year. So, do you want to go to college next year? Durham College offers an allowance of C$1,000 (about R$4,155.00) or C$1,500 (about R$6,232.00).

To compete, the candidate must enroll in the course he intends to graduate from college and the school will evaluate based on English.

Documentation required for registration:

  • University Degree;
  • Curriculum;
  • Letter of interest;
  • Passport.
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The edict for registration has a deadline for January 2022, check it out on this website, clicking here, to know more. registration is done this way.


Donghua University is one that annually opens places for international scholars, having made available 40 places for undergraduate, masters and PHD courses in English and Chinese. The scholarships already include tuition fees, health insurance, dormitory on campus and a monthly fee of CNY (Renminbi) 2,500 (about R$ 2,140) to CNY 3,500 (about R$ 3,000).

So check out more information in this website and applicants must apply by March 31.


Finally, the Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) program is open to enrollment for international students and its edition is for 2022. So, the program is intended to take groups to the US with the aim of discussing and debating the development of “problems of concern” of the century.

Therefore, enrollments are open to young people between 21 and 28 years old who have worked at least 2 years in professional or volunteer work. In addition, the scholarships are full and include tickets and all visa, food and accommodation documentation.

Therefore, those interested should access the EEC website and has the deadline until January 14th.

So, now that you know a little more about scholarships to study abroad in Brazil, take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also love to know.

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