6 of the funniest reactions from the Tokyo Olympics

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Even people who aren't watching will laugh.

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Six days ago, the tennis superstar Naomi Osaka lit the Olympic torch and started the tokyo olympics. Now, sports fans around the world are glued to their televisions to support their national team athletes as they compete in the world's greatest athletics event.

So, amidst the salty popcorn, loud screams and tears of disappointment, people are taking their emotions and pouring them out in these funny images we've collected below. Check out:

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Visual challenge: find the word 'DOG' in just 5…

Unravel the illusion: which direction is this circle moving?


The only part of the Olympics I can trust is the Canadian swimmer (MAGGIE MACNEIL) who didn't realize she won gold because she wasn't wearing her goggles in the pool.


The cameraman focuses on the cockroach in a live broadcast of the Tokyo Olympics.


Technician: He trained for 4 years to win the gold, but ended up falling out.
What the hell could have distracted this man?
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If you ever feel like your life is meaningless, remember that the Olympics have a lifesaver.


I'm really enjoying the #tokyo2020 #olimpics swim events so far, however, I have to say, #teamUSA face masks are freaking me out.


Gamers watching the olympics when they hear all these video game songs they know.

Source: BoredPanda

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