Rappi makes electric bicycles available to its couriers

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The project is a partnership between Rappi and Woie Rental. The application will start with 40 bicycles in São Paulo and the forecast is that by the end of 2022 it will reach 2,000.

According to information provided by the company, the project will reduce carbon emissions and increase the profitability of couriers, as the use of motorcycles requires costs with fuel and maintenance. Also, electric bikes are more efficient than regular bikes.

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The bicycles will be customized with the visual identity of the app and will be available in lighter models, with a capacity of up to 25 km/h per hour.

However, the e-bikes will not be free: they will be rented by couriers for R$99 per month. The delivery company says that the rest of the amount will be subsidized by it with Woie. The vehicles will come with the app's brand logo and will be lighter to reach up to 25km/h.

Vehicles will be equipped with a geolocation device, which can be charged at outlets common or in specific locations for loading, which will be at the support points of the couriers.

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At this first moment, bicycles will be made available to those couriers who work more frequently for Rappi and who are highly rated.

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