With permission from Justice, patient will be able to plant marijuana at home!

In a decision shared last Thursday, March 2, a patient diagnosed with anxiety will be able to plant marihuana at home to use it for medicinal purposes. The case was decided by federal judge Antonio Claudio Macedo da Silva, from Brasília, head of the 10th Criminal Court of the Federal Court.

The decision was taken to court due to the high values ​​of the plant in Brazil and, certainly, due to the fact that the plantation is prohibited throughout the national territory.

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For the patient, anxiety and insomnia are recurrent and capable of causing damage to health. Depressive symptoms are also linked to panic attacks, people's lack of memory and concentration, in addition to the inability to get the ideal sleep for the body to rest.

Marijuana and medicinal treatment

The patient informed the Justice that he performed different types of treatment and did an experiment herbal medicine with the use of cannabidiol oil, causing the improvement to be presented in a considerable.

At the opening of the process, in defense of his own health, the man stated that he was facing psychological problems caused by the absence of treatment.

Cannabidiol oil was also found with surplus values ​​on the market, and the only solution for the effective treatment of the case would be the release of Cannabis cultivation indoors. The purpose would certainly be for medicinal purposes, as claimed in the petition.

When releasing the decision, the judge determined that the police of the Federal District must “refrain from promoting any acts that threaten physical freedom, as well as from seizing materials and supplies intended for their health treatment, or even destroy them”, preventing actions contrary to the court decision from to happen.

In the same request, the federal judge indicated that the local police should not take measures against what was defined by the court, preventing any demonstration against the plantation until it is no longer necessary to use the medication.

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