WhatsApp intends to offer cashback on digital payments

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The site specializing in WhatsApp, WABetaInfo, released another very curious information. According to what the news says, the most popular messenger today will offer cashback. Well, more than making payments, it will now be possible to receive part of the money paid back.

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Cashback – WhatsApp

The information came from an analysis carried out by WABetaInfo itself. The site had access to the resource still in the testing phase (beta phase).

Right at the beginning of the screen, it is already possible to check the alert message for the novelty. “Earn cashback on your next payment”, clarifies the information in the messenger.

For now, it is speculated that the cashback service is a way to capture more customers. After all, it is one of the attractions for people to start using WhatsApp Pay. On the other hand, Facebook did not go public to clarify any point of this new mechanism.

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Therefore, it is not known whether access to cashback will be made available to the entire user base or not. In fact, if it weren't for WABetaInfo, no information would have been published about this possibility.

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At this point, it should be noted that WhatsApp Pay has not yet found a good audience in Brazil. With the most current data, it is possible to observe that only 7% of users use the payment platform.

In Brazil, one of WhatsApp Pay's direct competitors is Pix itself. After the implementation of the resource by the Central Bank, the dispute in the sector became difficult.

Thus, offering an advantageous cashback can be a good attraction strategy. Many users will start using WhatsApp Pay as a way to get the promotion.

There is no date or forecast for the feature to hit the market. The tests have not yet reported any flaws within the application. However, the beta phase continues and, who knows, the feature will be available sooner than we think.

In the meantime, it's worth checking out how WhatsApp Pay works and exploring its functions. After all, this is yet another facility offered by technology these days.


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