Brain Teasers are true mind puzzles, which, in addition to being a lot of fun, are great to try out their cognitive capabilities of logical reasoning, power of perception and quick thinking for problem solving. problems. So if you want to test your mental skills, how about trying to find 2 mistakes in one image in just 7 seconds? Scroll down the article and try to solve this mental challenge!
Brain Challenge: 7 seconds to test your intelligence
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There are several ways to test IQ (Intelligence quotient) and one of them is to make Brain Teasers, which are nothing more than mental puzzles. Doing Brain Teasers, in addition to testing your cognitive skills, also entertains you and stimulates your brain.
So those who are constantly using Brain Teasers for fun are also becoming smarter after all. the brain with practice responds better and better to these challenges and you can find solutions more easily quickly.
With that in mind, in this article we bring you a Brain Teaser that will test your IQ and your ability to quickly solve challenges. In it, you will only have 7 seconds to find 2 errors in the image.
Find the 2 mistakes in the image ASAP
Keep in mind that these challenges are great for testing your skills, so try to be honest when you start this one. If you want to make the challenge more fun, how about calling a friend to see who can solve it first? I bet competitiveness will give you more focus and desire to win.
If you're alone, no problem either, prepare a Timer with 7 seconds, scroll down and, as soon as you start looking at the image, press play on the timer and that's it!
The image consists of some children playing in the snow and has only 2 errors, remember to leave the comfort zone of your reasoning, thinking outside the box is essential to be able to solve these challenges!

Time is up, could you find the two mistakes in the picture? If you didn't find it, but still believe you will, watch without the timer and scroll down to see the result.
The result is easier than it seems, the first mistake is on the roofs, in the back house, you can see a dog on top of it. The second mistake is in children, if you look closely you will notice that the child with the carrot in his hand has his eyebrows in his hat.