Radical simplification exercises

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Check out a list of solved exercises on using the root properties to simplify expressions with radicals!

Per Elainy Marciano
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Many mathematical expressions and equations involve the rooting, which is the inverse operation of potentiation.

In these situations, in order to be able to manipulate and solve problems more easily, it is essential to know the properties of these two operations and make the simplification of radicals.

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check out a list of radical simplification exercises, all with resolution so you can check your answers and learn more about this topic!

List of radical simplification exercises

Question 1. Simplify the radicals by extracting the possible factors:

The) \dpi{120} \sqrt{3\cdot 2^3\cdot 5^5}

B) \dpi{120} \sqrt[3]{8\cdot 3^6\cdot 7^4}

w) \dpi{120} \sqrt[4]{2^5\cdot 3^4\cdot 5^{9}\cdot 4^8}

Question 2. Perform operations between radicals:

The) \dpi{120} 3\sqrt{2} + 2\sqrt{2} - 4\sqrt{2}

B) \dpi{120} -\sqrt[5]{10} + 7\sqrt[5]{10} + 3\sqrt[5]{10}

w) \dpi{120} \frac{2}{9}\sqrt[3]{7} + \frac{2}{3}\sqrt[3]{7}

Question 3. Evaluate the following operations with radicals:

The) \dpi{120} 2\sqrt{48} + 3\sqrt{75} - 4\sqrt{192}

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B) \dpi{120} \sqrt{486} - 5\sqrt{6} -\sqrt{24}

Question 4. Calculate the products between radicals:

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{3}\cdot \sqrt{3}

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{3}\cdot \sqrt{6}

w) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{2} \cdot \sqrt[4]{2}\cdot \sqrt[6]{2}

Question 5. Calculate the divisions between radicals:

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt[5]{256}}{\sqrt[5]{32}}

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt{256}}{\sqrt[3]{16}}

Question 6. Rewrite the fractions without a radical in the denominator:

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{2}{1- \sqrt{2}}

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt{x}}{2 - \sqrt{x}}

Question 7. Simplify the expression:

\dpi{120} \sqrt{\frac{x^2}{ab^2}+\frac{x^2}{a^2b}}

Resolution of question 1

The) \dpi{120} \sqrt{3\cdot 2^3\cdot 5^5} 2\cdot 5^2\sqrt{3\cdot 2\cdot 5} 50\sqrt{30}

B) \dpi{120} \sqrt[3]{8\cdot 3^6\cdot 7^4}2\cdot 3^2\cdot 7\sqrt[3]{7} 126\sqrt[3]{7}

w) \dpi{120} \sqrt[4]{2^5\cdot 3^4\cdot 5^{9}\cdot 4^8} 2\cdot 3\cdot 5^2\cdot 4^2\sqrt[4 ]{2\cdot 5} 2400\sqrt[4]{10}

Resolution of question 2

The) \dpi{120} 3\sqrt{2} + 2\sqrt{2} - 4\sqrt{2} (3+2-4)\cdot \sqrt{2} \sqrt{2}

B) \dpi{120} -\sqrt[5]{10} + 7\sqrt[5]{10} + 3\sqrt[5]{10}(-1+7+3)\cdot \sqrt[5]{ 10} 9\sqrt[5]{10}

w) \dpi{120} \frac{2}{9}\sqrt[3]{7} + \frac{2}{3}\sqrt[3]{7} \bigg( \frac{2}{9}+ \frac{2}{3}\bigg)\cdot \sqrt[3]{7} \frac{8}{9}\sqrt[3]{7}

Resolution of question 3

The) \inline \dpi{200} \tiny 2\sqrt{48} + 3\sqrt{75} - 4\sqrt{192} 2\sqrt{2^4\cdot 3} + 3\sqrt{3\cdot 5^ 2} - 4\sqrt{2^6\cdot 3} 8\sqrt{3} + 15\sqrt{3} - 32\sqrt{3} -9\sqrt{3}

B) \dpi{120} \sqrt{486} - 5\sqrt{6} -\sqrt{24} \sqrt{2\cdot 3^5} - 5\sqrt{2\cdot 3}-\sqrt{2^3 \cdot 3} 9\sqrt{6} - 5\sqrt{6} - 2\sqrt{6} 2\sqrt{6}

Resolution of question 4

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{3}\cdot \sqrt{3} \sqrt{3\cdot 3} \sqrt{3^2} 3

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{3}\cdot \sqrt{6} \sqrt{3\cdot 6} \sqrt{18} \sqrt{2\cdot 3^2} 3\sqrt{2}

w) \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{2} \cdot \sqrt[4]{2}\cdot \sqrt[6]{2}

As the indices are different, we must extract the MMC between them to write with a common index.

MMC(2, 4, 6) = 12


\inline \dpi{200} \tiny \sqrt{2} \cdot \sqrt[4]{2}\cdot \sqrt[6]{2} \sqrt[12]{2^{12:2}} \cdot \sqrt[12]{2^{12:4}}\cdot \sqrt[12]{2^{12:6}} \sqrt[12]{2^{6}} \cdot \sqrt[12]{ 2^{3}}\cdot \sqrt[12]{2^{2}} \sqrt[12]{2^{11}}

Resolution of question 5

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt[5]{256}}{\sqrt[5]{32}} \frac{\sqrt[5]{2^8}}{\sqrt[5]{ 2^5}} \sqrt[5]{\frac{2^8}{2^5}} \sqrt[5]{2^3}

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt{256}}{\sqrt[3]{16}} \frac{\sqrt[]{2^8}}{\sqrt[3]{2^4} } \frac{\sqrt[6]{(2^8)^3}}{\sqrt[6]{(2^4)^2}} \sqrt[6]{\frac{2^{24}}{ 2^8}} \sqrt[6]{2^{16}} \sqrt[3]{2^{8}} 4\sqrt[3]{4}

Resolution of question 6

The) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{2}{1- \sqrt{2}}

\dpi{120} \frac{2}{1- \sqrt{2}}\cdot \frac{1+\sqrt{2}}{1+\sqrt{2}}
\dpi{120} \frac{2+2\sqrt{2}}{1^2-(\sqrt{2})^2}
\dpi{120} \frac{2+2\sqrt{2}}{1-2}
\dpi{120} -2-2\sqrt{2}

B) \dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt{x}}{2 - \sqrt{x}}

\dpi{200} \tiny \frac{\sqrt{x}}{2 - \sqrt{x}}\cdot \frac{2 + \sqrt{x}}{2 + \sqrt{x}}
\dpi{200} \tiny \frac{2\sqrt{x} + (\sqrt{x})^2}{2^2 - (\sqrt{x})^2}
\dpi{200} \tiny \frac{2\sqrt{x} + x}{4 - x}

Resolution of question 7

\dpi{120} \sqrt{\frac{x^2}{ab^2}+\frac{x^2}{a^2b}}
\dpi{120} \sqrt{\frac{x^2}{ab}\bigg(\frac{1}{b}+\frac{1}{a}\bigg)}

\dpi{120} \sqrt{\frac{x^2}{ab}\bigg(\frac{a+b}{ab}\bigg)}

\dpi{120} \sqrt{\frac{x^2(a+b)}{a^2b^2}}

\dpi{120} \frac{x\cdot \sqrt{a+b}}{ab}

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