Check out all about the new CadÚnico app

The Cadastro Único now has a new application and along with it, much easier for its users. In addition, there is a new option for self-registration, as well as a list of the service locations closest to those who are beneficiaries. This new tool facilitates the monitoring of benefits for more than 80 million Brazilian citizens. Check all about this new CadÚnico application.

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Its launch and utilities

The official launch took place on March 30th. The CadÚnico application, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, needs this more modernized means to be able to offer users more quality services. It has an extract of the benefits and a virtual assistant who clarifies all the doubts of the beneficiary families.

Also, through the application, users can check information on more than 28 social benefits from the federal government. This tool is intended to help cross-reference beneficiary data. The goal of the Ministry of Citizenship is to use this new technology to make access to information simpler and faster.

With this ease, local queues have become smaller, and this avoids the need for exclusively face-to-face assistance. Finally, the new application also allows for registration updates, and users can check which benefits they receive. With this facility, beneficiaries can expedite the sending of information. With this, soon, in-person calls will only be for data confirmation.

Details about the new app

In addition, the application can be downloaded for free on your cell phone, both on Android and iOS systems. The Cadastro Único is a federal government database and shows the list of families living in poverty in Brazil. That is, through it, the government manages to direct social programs, being the gateway to various benefits.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, in-person service will remain available, as many families still do not have access to the internet. In other words, the new application is just to make life easier for the majority of Cadastro Único users. In addition, through the app, families can also check if they are actually registered with CadÚnico.

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