Students who intend to take the National High School Examination (Enem) will be able to register until May 21. The tests will be applied on two different Sundays, on the 13th and 20th of November.
The Participant's Page will receive registrations for Enem 2022. The registration fee is R$85 and can be paid through PIX, credit card or bank slip until May 27th.
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At the time of registration, the candidate must choose between English or Spanish to take the foreign language test. The option of proof should be made by printed or digital means, and if you need any special assistance.
The candidate completes the socioeconomic questionnaire by answering questions such as whether he has completed high school.
The application of the tests will be on the 13th and 20th of November. And the novelty of this edition is that the candidate will be able to present the digital version of the identification document on the day of the test. The accepted documents will be the Digital Driver's License or Digital ID. It is important to emphasize that
screenshots will not be accepted, it is mandatory for the student to open the application in front of the inspector.The Enem consists of four objective tests and an essay in Portuguese. Each test has 45 multiple-choice questions.
The language, codes and writing tests, which cover the subjects of Portuguese language, literature, foreign language, arts, physical education and information and communication technologies, and human sciences and their technologies, covering history, geography, philosophy and sociology, are covered in the first day.
After authorization from the head of the room, the time for the test to be completed is five hours and thirty minutes.
Natural science tests, which cover chemistry, physics and biology, and mathematics and its technologies, will be applied on the second day. On the second day, the time to take the exam is five hours, counted from the authorization of the head of the room to start the tests.
The official feedback is published within three business days after the last day of the test on the Inep Portal.
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