Murry, the dog-friendly cat who offers affection as an obligatory stop

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How to understand someone's personality cat? Most of them leave social life aside and prefer to distribute attention among people or among the most intimate pets. Contrary to all the statistics of the animal world, a cat from San Diego (USA) likes to walk and pet dogs that pass by him.

Quick feedback demonstrates that Murry is a cat with a difference. He loves walking with his owners since he was a puppy. Unfortunately, his tutors had to donate him for personal reasons. To help the feline's owner, a neighbor announced that he was looking for a home for an affectionate cat.

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Photo: Disclosure Nesweek / Lissa Russell

A woman agreed to keep the cat temporarily, thinking it would only be two weeks of coexistence. Lissa Russell, the pet's new owner, said that little cat changed her life from the moment she looked into her eyes. She took Murry to keep her a chihuahua named Lukas and a poodle named Tica and a Maltese named Kai.

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Tica was already 16 years old and was facing the blindness caused by old age. In order not to exclude the dog from the walk, Lissa took Tica in a stroller for babies. On one of these routine walks, the owner decided to take Murry in the cart.

On the tour, Lissa found Murry to be very friendly and pleasant. When walking down the street, the kitten would stop other pets and people to cuddle. Lissa was surprised by the cat's friendliness, even though she'd expected him to be a feline differentiated.

Photo: Disclosure Nesweek / Lissa Russell

“Murray is very loving and is a great ambassador for cats everywhere. If anyone was scared of or didn't understand cats before, I hope that after meeting you, they changed their minds," said Lissa. This is one of those stories that fill our hearts with love.

How about a feline affection?

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