Teach your dog to behave: training messy dogs

Raising a dog is a wonderful adventure that everyone wants to have. For many people it is essential to have at least one at home, but in many cases it is necessary to train your dog.

However, this adventure can be a big mess if your pet is clumsy and destructive.

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What to do when your puppy doesn't behave, bites everything and leaves your house upside down?

For some time, trainers have been insisting on ways to educate puppies through relatively simple methods.

And it is some of them that we are going to raise here, bringing five steps to reverse the behavior: from a mess to a little angel.

So, want to know more? Keep reading!

Spend your dog's energy

First, it's important to understand that your dog isn't always doing this aggressively, it's often just mismanaged energy.

It's important to recognize when your puppy is stressed to avoid destructive behavior.

Taking him for a walk, running, leaving him free for a few moments to have fun will be essential when he's home.

(READ: “Attention! See forbidden fruits for dogs” clicking here).

Do not isolate your dog!

Many caregivers still don't understand the importance of interacting with their dog. However, it is not enough to feed and shelter him, but it is also important to be with him.

So take time out of your day to be with your dog and spend that quality time with your best friend.

I'm sure he will thank you!

Get help from smart toys

Using a toy will be essential, for example, to avoid many unwanted bites from your puppy on undue objects / people.

Did you know that dogs bite out of curiosity? Opt for toys that will allow him to have fun biting time.

A toy with a treat inside is a good option for a toy that demands some time from your puppy.

Teach him not to destroy toys

It is necessary to interrupt, abruptly and taking the toy out of your hands, when a dog is destroying it.

If your dog is okay with you taking something out of his mouth, of course!

But it's always a good alternative to take the toys away from him and demonstrate that you're doing this because of the behavior.

Finally, at a time when he is calmer, return the toy as compensation for good behavior.

Create a routine!

Anyway, it's important that dogs adapt to a routine that is healthy and interactive for them.

Dogs, like us, adapt to routines and prefer them. Make sure he has a fun and beautiful life!

So, did you like the tip? On the website of School Education you find varied content that will help you in your routine. Access here!

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