New income tax declaration; should you be held accountable?

On August 15, the deadline for sending the Declaration of the Tax on Rural Territorial Property (DITR) for those who own real estate in rural areas began.

This certificate refers to expenses for 2022, and has a period longer than 30 days for payers to submit the statement. With that in mind, check out more information about who should file income tax in august and don't run the risk of being left out and hurting yourself later! Good reading.

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Read more:See the income tax refund payment schedule

Information about the declaration

The Federal Revenue is the body that holds the responsibility of investigating the DITR income tax. Because of this, it is necessary for payer data to be sent through your portal. Furthermore, it is through the DITR that the information is sent to the Federal Revenue Service.

The information provided to the Federal Revenue refers to the rural property and its owner. Furthermore, it is through this information that the calculation of the amount to be paid in the ITR will be generated. It is also worth noting that the deadline for submitting the document is September 30th.

Who must declare?

  • Natural or judiciary person who owns it. That is, who is responsible for the title of the rural property;
  • Who, until the date of presentation, resides in the property. That is, when the property belongs to more than one person;
  • In cases of inheritance, the statement must be made by those who carry out the acts inherent in the inventory procedure, while the division has not yet been made.

Amount charged in the ITR

In principle, it is also necessary to pay the tax calculated on the value of the property, since the dispatch of the income tax return is not the only condition. That's why we brought you some more information:
Charges of less than R$ 100.00 must be paid in a single installment, that is, without the possibility of installments. However, for charges that exceed the amount of R$ 100.00, there is the option of paying in installments, provided that each installment is not less than R$ 50.00.

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