Understand the charge for garbage collection services on your electricity bill

The National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) approved a new standard earlier this month. This norm makes it possible to charge, through energy bills, tariffs related to garbage collection services in all cities. To establish this new measure, Aneel and energy await publication in the Federal Official Gazette attesting to its validity. In this article, we will show you a little more about the subject and the reason for these changes.

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Changes may occur in your city's energy billing

During the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the basic sanitation law was sanctioned. Guided by this law, the norm states that the citizen may be charged after the city hall carries out the bidding with the value referring to the provision of the garbage collection service. The norm is not yet in force, and for this reason it should not be charged, however, some municipalities were already making this charge improperly.

The fee amount can be added to your invoice, in addition to your electricity bill, in other options, such as: invoice specific urban solid waste management, fee charged on the water bill or billed with the booklet guide of IPTU.

Aneel had to assess the charge. In a statement, director Giácomo Bassi stated that this is the role of the agency, as it is the one who must establish the regulation when a tariff is charged through the electricity bill. This function is provided for by law, as it allows compliance with the guidelines of the law and makes it compatible with the interests and rights of consumers.

According to the pre-established rules of the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA), initially the city ​​halls must bid for the service and inform, based on the expense, the amount that will be withdrawn from each citizen. After this procedure, energy distributors will have to transfer the fees through electricity bills, which will receive 1% of the entire amount collected.

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