O global warming, a phenomenon characterized by climate change and the increase in the planet's average temperature, due to natural or anthropogenic factors, has already triggered several environmental disasters. At consequences of global warming they are diverse and complex, and can generate irreversible damage to humanity.
One of the most notable consequences is the thaw. The most affected regions are the Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland and several mountain ranges. Research indicates that the Arctic ice sheet has become 40% thinner and its area has been reduced by about 15%. Antarctica lost more than 3 thousand square kilometers in extension. Greenland has also suffered from global warming, a worrying fact, as its melting could cause an increase in ocean levels of up to 7 meters.
Mind Map: Global Warming
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The melting of these glaciers causes environmental and social disturbances. This phenomenon changes the temperature of the oceans, causing an environmental imbalance and mainly affecting marine species. The rise in the level of the ocean forces the population residing in coastal areas to migrate to others localities - it is estimated that at least 200 million people are affected by the increase in the level of oceans.
Other consequences of global warming are the desertification, change in the rainfall regime, intensification of droughts in certain places, water scarcity, abundance of rain in some locations, storms, hurricanes, floods, ecosystem changes, reduced biodiversity, loss of fertile areas for agriculture, in addition to the spread of diseases such as malaria, schistosomiasis and yellow fever.
Therefore, global warming has extremely negative consequences for the life of all species on the planet. Therefore, measures are needed to alleviate the process of climate change, such as, for example, reducing the emission of gases responsible for intensifying the greenhouse effect, thus ensuring a harmonious relationship between man and nature.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
*Mental Map by Rafaela Sousa
Graduated in Geography
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/consequencias-do-aquecimento-global.htm