Most Attractive Astrological Zodiac Positions

In the astral map, in addition to the sign, the planetary position can greatly influence the personality of a person. Certain combinations of signs make a person very attractive to others and make them have true admirers. Today we show you the most attractive astrological positions of the zodiac.

Most attractive astrological positions in the zodiac

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Do you want to discover which are the positions on the birth chart that make a person more attractive and even magnetic? Check it out below:

Venus in Libra

This is one of the main combinations, after all, Venus is the planet of love and beauty. The combination with Libra, the sign of justice and harmony, has a strong connection. People with this planetary position attract others with their charm, good temper, stability, and a sense of harmony.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is characteristic of emotional people, with a fertile imagination and great kindness. An individual's Moon expresses his instincts and emotions, and those with the Moon in Pisces tend to be romantic, dreamy and enjoy deeper relationships. These people can conquer others due to their big heart, their emotional way and their willingness to surprise.

Mars in Scorpio

Scorpio is a sign of intense, passionate, centered and determined people. When combined with Mars, the planet of action and energy, it results in determined, focused, leadership and courageous individuals. They also stand out for their great willpower to fulfill their goals, which makes them even more attractive people.

Ascendant in Sagittarius

The ascendant concerns the impression we give to those around us. Sagittarius is a sign represented by adventure, by the will to live, and this combination results in dreamy, confident people. Your energy can attract those around you. Individuals with a Sagittarius rising win others over with their willingness to venture out, discover new things and the way they see challenges.

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