Pimple-free skin: check out the top 3 foods that are bad for you

Those who are used to taking care of their skin know that skincare is not the only way to ensure that the skin is always beautiful. The truth is that diet greatly influences this, as some foods tend to stimulate the appearance of pimples and blackheads on the face.

In this article, we'll cover which foods are most harmful to your skin and how you can replace them in your daily life. If you are interested in skin care tips, read this text until the end.

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3 foods that encourage the appearance of pimples

Indeed, there are foods that are not very good for the skin in general, and therefore should be avoided. However, if you have any allergies, certain foods can trigger acne breakouts on your skin. Try cutting the foods below out of your diet, and if that doesn't work, look for a professional to help you with this problem.

1. Fried food

Fried foods are rich in fats, which are bad for both the health and the beauty of the skin. This happens because fat has inflammatory substances that stimulate the production of oil by the sebaceous glands and, consequently, pimples.

So, instead of consuming fried foods, choose to prepare these foods in other ways, such as roasted or boiled.

2. carbohydrates

Breads, pasta and cookies are foods that contain large amounts of carbohydrates, simple sugars that harm the skin. These sugars also stimulate oil production by the sebaceous glands, which makes acne more likely to appear.

To avoid this problem, you can choose pasta made with whole grain flour, which causes less damage to the skin.

3. Candy

The beloved sweets are super harmful for the skin because they are rich in sugars, fats and, usually, milk, which cause inflammation and pimples on the skin. However, you don't need to completely cut out sweets from your diet, just give preference to those that have less sugar or are made with more bitter chocolates.

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