Do you already know the 'quiet constraint'? See if you joined the new market trend

In recent months, the trend most seen in companies is the “quiet quitting”. No wonder she took social media by storm. The term refers to employees who start doing the bare minimum at work because they are dissatisfied with their pay, treatment, and other issues. Now the so-calledquiet constraint” has gained attention as it also affects a company's productivity and success.

Read more: Quiet quitting: what is it and what does this technique aim for?

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Do you know what 'quiet constraint' is?

If we translate it literally, the word means “silent restraint”. This is a growing trend in the workplace where many employees withhold their valuable knowledge as they choose not to share it with other employees.

According to the workplace culture report that was prepared by Kahoot!, most employees admit to having knowledge specific data or information that might benefit their co-workers, i.e. people choose not to share this data for reasons adverse.

Withholding information can hurt productivity

With the combination of hybrid performance agreements across thousands of companies, teams need to work harder to create synergies so they can be successful. Many “business ecosystems” are becoming increasingly complex due to accelerating technological progress and work becoming more specialized.

With the rise of a distributed workforce and the establishment of long-term hybrid and remote models, it's easy to disconnect teams and individual employees from each other. As a result, when team members do not fully cooperate and share knowledge and information, serious efficiency and productivity challenges are registered. It can also limit the potential for creativity, new ideas, and problem solving through effective collaboration.

Is the hybrid model causing more disconnection?

Experts believe that remote work models can reduce collaboration and knowledge exchange, after all, with hybrid teams, people are often very isolated.

Workers do not actively participate as a team to learn useful new knowledge or help each other. Unfortunately the issue is seen as part of the new hybrid work and low workplace engagement in general.

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