In 2023, the holiday is guaranteed: there will be more than 10 in Brazil!

This is the moment many formal workers look forward to in the year: the holiday calendar! Paid rest, known as a holiday or optional break, is published annually based on the dates provided by the federal government. For 2023, it will be more than 10 rest days planned!

Read more: Schedule your rest: see the complete list of national holidays in 2023

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Last Thursday, December 29, the National Holidays for 2023 were published by the Official Gazette. Ordinance No. 11,090, of December 27, 2022, also defined that paid rest days for the state and municipalities will be defined by the administration itself.

With the need presented, so that there is no further damage to services considered essential in Brazil, the Ministry of Economy edited the publication that established the days of rest. In all, there will be 9 national holidays and 5 optional points granted by the federal level.

The Ordinance indicated that it is forbidden to anticipate or postpone the dates of optional points and holidays even that the Civil Personnel System of the Federal Administration does not agree, as it is necessary to comply with the calendar.

Remembering that these are national holidays, as there are municipal and state holidays along with optional points. Therefore, what was disclosed refers to what was established for all of Brazil, without considering what the dates will be for states and municipalities.

Calendar of holidays and national optional points for 2023

  • January 1st, Universal Fraternization (national holiday);
  • February 20th, Carnival (optional point);
  • February 21, Carnival (optional point);
  • 22 February, Ash Wednesday (optional until 2 pm);
  • April 7, Passion of Christ (national holiday);
  • April 21, Tiradentes (national holiday);
  • May 1, World Labor Day (national holiday);
  • June 8, Corpus Christi (optional point);
  • September 7, Independence of Brazil (national holiday);
  • October 12, Nossa Senhora Aparecida (national holiday);
  • October 28, Public Servant Day (optional point);
  • November 2, Finados (national holiday);
  • November 15, Proclamation of the Republic (national holiday); It is
  • December 25, Christmas (national holiday).

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