Your relationship stops being healthy when THIS becomes routine

It is normal for coexistence to allow some misunderstandings to arise. Living with the other requires many skills which, sometimes, have not even been developed yet. When diversity comes, you need to be prepared to deal with it. Learn, for example, to identify a worn-out relationship.

Has my relationship stopped being healthy?

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The fights in a marriage, long-term relationship or stable union arise as the couple lives more intensely with each other. Disagreements are normal when you live with people who are not always so similar to us, but a relationship is no longer good when there are only fights and disagreements.

Frequent arguments distance the couple in general, and can then promote unhappiness and cause separation. If the relationship is feeling these clashes and it is no longer good for you, it is necessary to rethink the relationship.

People can't always identify when they're going through a bad phase. Thinking about it, we separate some reasons that can generate discussion in any romantic relationship. If you identify with one or more, our advice is that you try to resolve things amicably, with dialogue and respect.

If nothing changes, maybe it's time to think about this involvement: is it worth it?

Things that tend to motivate frequent discussions

  • Sex

In a relationship, he is not the main thing, but he is essential for the couple to stay in harmony. Although people believe that, especially in marriage, sex stops being done, this is not what should happen.

Logically, sex should improve over time, as the two know each other better and more intimately. The trend is that, even infrequently, sex is better for the simple fact that you understand your partner better now, since there are probably no more shyness or insecurities.

  • There is no right/wrong

In a relationship, not always one person is right and the other is wrong. Marriage is a two-way street. When something doesn't work as it should, both tend to be responsible for it, not just one.

  • old fights

O past must stay in the past. It's not healthy to bring past things into current relationships. This is not just true for dating or marriage itself, but also for fights, arguments and disagreements. It's not good to keep throwing certain things in your partner's face that should have been overcome.

  • Stay together (or not)

This decision must be taken together and as amicably as possible. If the separation is not interesting, it is worth talking about what is not working and what may or may not change.

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