Can the privatization of Eletrobrás reduce the electricity tariff?

Last Wednesday, the 18th, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) resumed the judgment on the privatization of Eletrobrás, the state-owned company responsible for the distribution and generation of energy. If confirmed, the privatization of the company will be a milestone for the current government, as it is one of the largest in the country to join the Bolsonaro government’s privatization quota.

The doubt that resurfaces is: what can change after privatization? Will the electricity bill be cheaper? Follow the text.

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If privatized, what will happen?

The Federal Government's desire to privatize Eletrobrás is not new. Since the Temer government, there has been a measure in progress with the aim of privatizing it, claiming that the objective is to improve the country's economy.

Now, with the Bolsonaro government, after a transformation in the bill, privatization has passed through the agendas of the TCU. What the government expects is that by the end of June it will be finalized and can raise around R$ 67 billion with the sale.

On the one hand, some experts are optimistic about privatization. On the other hand, some do not agree with the measure, as consumers may be the main ones to suffer from energy prices.

What changes for the consumer?

One of the advantages of having Eletrobrás as a state-owned company is that the prices at which energy is passed on are not the same as those on the market. Thus, if the state-owned company is privatized, the way in which energy is passed on will be the first to be affected.

With privatization, contracts will be renewed according to the market regime, and consequently there will be a change in prices for the consumer.

Part of the members of the Ministry of Mines and Energy deny this increase factor. However, experts say that over the years, the value of the light bill can rise considerably.

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