How art therapy works

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Many children have difficulty dealing with negative emotions, which can often raise their level of stress It is anxiety, so it is necessary to look for ways to help them deal with it better. Art therapy is a great device to help children process and better understand their feelings, as a safe place, art therapy is an ally for children's well-being. Get a better understanding of how art therapy works here.

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art therapy

Walking through art and psychology, art therapy is a modality that is used in various psychic treatments, having psychoanalysis, analytical psychology and gestalt therapy as a source. Its practice is based on the use of artistic resources in its most diverse forms, such as dance, drawing, painting, theater and among others, which are explored for the analysis of symbologies.

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Why is art therapy important?

Children are individuals in formation, who are still discovering how the world works, so for many it can be difficult to understand, deal with and express their own feelings. Thinking about it, art, in addition to being a great way to express what you feel and enrich the quality of life of children, is able to improve stress levels, self-esteem, stimulate their emotions and, with that, improve their well-being. Art therapy is also a way to improve motor skills, essential in childhood.

The objective of art therapy is to favor a therapeutic process in individuals through their expressions, the important thing in art therapy is far from aesthetics and good use of brushes, pens, papers, etc. What matters is expressing your own personal universe. As children often have difficulties in identifying what they feel, through art therapy it is possible to discover what is in your subconscious and help in your process of self-knowledge and expression.

How to perform art therapy at home with your child?

Family accompaniment in the process is essential, however, in addition, it is interesting to introduce art therapy as well in family moments, so separate a time in your schedule and sit with your child at a time to do art.

Another interesting tip is to propose the making of an art journal, which is nothing more than a kind of diary where your child will go put how his day was, explaining how he felt through drawings, clippings, single words, paintings and what else he to wish.
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