The use of toilet paper is not common in these 3 countries; did you know?

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In some cultures around the world, the use of toilet paper is not common due to a variety of cultural reasons and traditional hygiene practices. Have you heard of this ban? Instead of paper, alternative methods are adopted, such as washing with water or using bidets.

Brazilians commonly choose to use paper over other methods, which is totally cultural. Yes, even the way we use hygiene is different. There are several reasons why some people turn to other cleaning alternatives, including technology issues and drainage system limitations. Meet the three countries that don't use toilet paper!

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Countries that don't use toilet paper

1. Asia
Unlike elsewhere, in some countries in Asia, the limited use or absence of toilet paper is not is due to a lack of technological advancement, but rather to a preference for more advanced hygiene systems guys. In these countries, bathrooms are equipped with toilets that have resources and technology for washing after fecal elimination, dispensing with the need for the conventional use of toilet paper.

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This approach is considered more hygienic and ecologically sustainable by some, as well as reflecting cultural adaptation in relation to personal hygiene habits.

2. islam

For Islam, it is part of the local and religious practice to use a bath to finish hygiene after defecation. This is due to the belief that one must be completely clean and pure to perform prayers throughout the day. Therefore, it is important that the body does not contain traces of impurities.

3. Africa

Some countries on the African continent face financial difficulties in purchasing toilet paper. Furthermore, the lack of adequate functioning of the sewage collection system also contributes to the non-use of toilet paper in some areas.

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