Use of the Quota Law helps to reduce inequality in Brazil

Stanford University, in the United States, carried out research that reveals that the Quota Law reduces socioeconomic inequality in Brazil. The surveys, based on data from the Ministry of Labor, Inep and the National Institute of Studies, point out that quota students have more gains than non-quota students, regarding approval federal.

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Specialists cover the entire trajectory of each student registered with Sisu, whether they are quota holders or not. In this way, they analyze the information of those who entered public colleges, or even were on the waiting list.

The result is safe and efficient, seeking information through Enem from 2010 to 2016, data from the Higher Education Census from 2009 to 2019 and data from the Annual Social Information List. From this, it is shown that the financial gains obtained by quota students are much greater than those of other students. It is worth remembering that the benefits for students participating in the income program were equivalent to R$84, while the others obtained a difference of R$27.

About the Quota Law

The quota policy was originalized to assign 50% of vacancies in Universities and Federal Institutions to public school students, and also for those with low income (equivalent to R$ 1,818 per month). In addition, the Law provides that black, brown, indigenous and disabled students are also part of this inclusion. It is worth emphasizing how much the quotas helped in the conquest of the educational scope by these students, in view of the growth of public school students in Federal Universities reaching 47%, while among blacks this increase was 73%.

In 2022, the Quotas Law will undergo a review by the National Congress, already foreseeing the exclusion of the ethnic-racial criterion for access to higher education. It is extremely important to maintain all rights, thus preserving the social impact of certain groups when entering Federal Universities.

Furthermore, students need to see these institutions as something real and not far from their reality, further improving the quality of education in schools in Brazil.

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