Healthy mango mousse recipe

If you love mango then you have to try this irresistible dessert from healthy mango mousse. Best of all, it doesn't need condensed milk, cream or whipped cream like other recipes. On the contrary, you get an even creamier consistency without any of these ingredients. In addition, the end result is much less caloric than in other traditional mousses. So if you're looking for a recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth without breaking your diet, you've just found it!

Read more: Ideal desserts for those who are on a diet and want to maintain a healthy diet.

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healthy mango mousse recipe


  • 350 grams of cut mango (or a large mango);
  • 150 grams of light Greek yogurt;
  • 30 g of unsweetened mango gelatin powder.

As the intention is to make an entirely healthy dessert, the best thing is not to add sugar and enjoy the sweetness of the fruit. However, if you prefer to make your dessert a little sweeter, then add three tablespoons of demerara sugar. Or, if you prefer, choose to use a pot of Greek yogurt that already contains sugar. In any case, it is interesting not to overload the dessert, which will no longer take advantage of the mango's natural sweetness.

Method of preparation

You should start with the process of dissolving your mango gelatin. To do this, dissolve the entire package in a container with 250 ml of cold water. Immediately afterwards, carry out the thermal shock by adding 250 ml of boiling water and let it rest. In the meantime, take the opportunity to put the cut mango and Greek yogurt in a blender and beat for approximately 2 minutes.

Now, put this mixture in small bowls, so that you can serve it in individual portions. Put enough to reach half of a shallow glass. Then, add the already ready and consistent gelatin on top and mix lightly. Soon after, take the glasses to the refrigerator, where they should remain for at least three hours before serving. You will see how delicious the consistency will be!

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