New KitKat flavors made exclusively for Adults

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the brand KitKat it has long been popular around the world, particularly with chocolate lovers of all ages. In recent years, the KitKat brand has become known for its premium, sophisticated and mature chocolate thanks to the master chocolatier Yasumasa Takagi, who has been the creative force behind the KitKat line of chocolates for adults.

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Instead of the common flavors of milk chocolate, white chocolate and some seasonal flavors that we find for a limited time here, at Japan you can find flavors like green tea, purple sweet potato and cherry blossom aroma all year round.

more sophisticated chocolates

Recently, Takagi has focused on refining the famous KitKat bars to give them a more sophisticated taste and appearance. KitKat Chocolatory Sublime Bitter, which looks like a cigarillo (mini cigar), and Sublime Volcanic, which is created from premium chocolate grown in volcanic soil, are two examples.

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New KitKat flavors made exclusively for Adults
Photo: reproduction

While these chocolates are aimed at a more mature and refined palate, the latest addition to Kitkat's luxury roster features a flavor that exclusively caters to an adult audience.

The secret is in the flavor of the Whiskey in Barrel

While chocolate and alcohol is not a new combination, Nestlé Japan has introduced a new premium KitKat infused with the flavors of whiskey casks. Made with cocoa grown in Ghana and aged in barrel for 180 days, the new KitKat does not contain a drop of liqueur, instead the chocolate gains all its flavor from aging in Scotch barrels islay.

These whiskey KitKats retain all the flavors and aromas of an Islays whiskey, with intense floral notes and a salty coastal breeze finish. Together with the bitter dark chocolate, the flavors of the whiskey harmonize perfectly for “adults who like to enjoy the aroma and delicate taste of whiskey”.

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