Good or rotten egg? Know how to identify if the egg is spoiled

Scrambled, boiled or fried egg for breakfast. Everyone likes to eat some dish with eggs, after all it is practical and very nutritious. However, no one deserves the surprise of finding a rotten egg in the middle of food preparation.

So, we separate some tips so you know how to identify when the egg is spoiled and be able to eliminate it before it even breaks. Know more about!

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egg benefits

Before we talk about how to identify the bad egg among the good ones, it is important to know how many benefits the egg has. Yeah, for a long time, he was considered a diet villain.

Thus, according to experts, the egg is an important source of a nutrient called choline, responsible for brain function and memory. In addition, it is rich in omega 3, a fatty acid that helps in reasoning.

Because it has a high concentration of vitamins A, D and E, the egg can also be known as a natural multivitamin. He is an antioxidant capable of assisting in skin rejuvenation and combating the development of chronic diseases. Fantastic, isn't it?

Experts recommend eating at least one egg a day to get all the nutrients.

How to identify the spoiled egg?

To identify a rotten egg is very simple. There are some tests to be done, but it is also possible to find out with just one technique. The first step is to check its appearance, and if it has black stripes on the bark, for example, it's already an indication that it may be rotten.

Another technique is to place it next to your ear and shake it. If he makes any sound with the movement, it's a sign that the egg is spoiled. That's because when it starts to spoil, the egg white and yolk tend to dry out and shrink inside the shell.

Finally, one of the best known tests is the water test. In a glass of water, place the egg, and if it sinks completely, it's good. If it floats to the top, vertically, it's a sign that the egg is spoiled.

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