Petrobras reduces the price of cooking gas; new values ​​are already in effect

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Petrobras announced in this last Wednesday, 16,whatit isreducingthe price of gas in kitchen (GLP) sold to distributors.From today, 17, O cost average goes from BRL 3.7842/kg to BRL 3.5842/kg,totaling a fall of 5.3%.

Afterof thisreduction of price, O newvaluewhatThe Petrobras snakefor one 13 cylinder kgéin BRL 46.59. This reduction follows Theevolutionof prices of reference and écoherent with Thepractice in prices from Petrobras, which searchObalance of your prices with OMarketplace, but without Otransferfor domestic prices volatility conjuncturalofquotes It is from therateinexchange", said Petrobras in a note issued.

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Cooking gas price history

This announced decreaseatlast Wednesday is the fourth consecutive readjustment.The price of LPG he wasmodified for the last time on September 22, when the kiloit went out from BRL 4.0265 to BRL 3.7842, O equivalent to BRL 49.19 for 13 kilos.

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But before that, prices were rising in the market: the LPG sold by Petrobras received a readjustment of 16.1% in March of this year. In October last year, growth was 7.2%, and in July 2021, it was 6%.

Amount charged to the consumer

With the end of the week on November 12, the cylinder was sold for approximately R$ 110.42 in Brazil, according to information from the National Agency ofPetroleum (ANP). Of the total amount, R$ 49.19 are from Petrobras.

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