Word Search: Now is the time to try to find the hidden cocktails

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Take advantage of our challenge Hunting words about cocktails with your friends, this game can be played in a bar as a social activity while waiting for the drink to arrive on the table. Get ready, because this quiz will test your vocabulary and general knowledge, so show that you are a real drink sommelier and know the whole menu of cocktails from the bar.

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Cocktail Word Search

If you are more of an admirer of the art of the cocktail shaker, you must have already wondered about the origin of cocktails. Since the Middle Ages, fruit juices were mixed with spirits to produce less strong drinks. In ancient Greece, sea water, honey and even vinegar were mixed with wine to dissolve and soften its flavor, resulting in a cocktail.

Now is the time to have some fun trying to find the cocktails. To do this, search the tangle of letters on the chart below for the names of 5 cocktails that are very popular in bars around the world. Remember that the name can be written in any order, from left to right or bottom to top and vice versa. To make your search easier, here are tips on hidden drinks:

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  • Cocktail 1: Originating in the United States, it is a drink prepared with vodka, ginger beer and lemon;
  • Cocktail 2: This is a classic drink, made with rum, the drink also has cola and a touch of lemon juice;
  • Cocktail 3: Mexican drink much appreciated worldwide, its recipe takes tequila, salt, sugar and citrus fruits;
  • Cocktail 4: Its original recipe takes dry vermouth, gin and ice, it originates in Turin, Italy;
  • Cocktail 5: Traditional Cuban drink that is the face of summer, based on white rum, mint and lemon.
Hunting words.

Did you manage to find all the words? Surprising! But if you couldn't finish the game, don't lose your patience, here's a good strategy: look for the first letter of the word and sweep around it to connect with the second letter and so on. against. Below is the game's feedback with all its words and their positions highlighted.

Result of the Word Search

Hunting words.

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