There are people who prefer tea, and those who prefer coffee. Generally, one has an aversion to the other type of drink. However, it cannot be denied that both options are part of our culture and our daily lives. In general, we resort to one or the other for different reasons, but some people have doubts whether it is better to drink tea or coffee. If this is also a question for you, see the comparisons between the two drinks here.
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Coffee is richer in caffeine
Caffeine is an important component for maintaining our neurological health. After all, it stimulates reasoning, wakefulness and attention, as well as helping us to think more clearly. Both tea and coffee contain caffeine, but the amount in the second option is much higher. Therefore, we commonly associate coffee with this energy drink.
On the other hand, the amount of caffeine in some teas is very small, not to mention that many have the opposite effect and help us sleep. Therefore, coffee is more complete in this sense, although it is necessary to be careful with caffeine, which generates anxiety, tachycardia, nausea and tremors when consumed in excess.
Coffee also has more antioxidants
Another factor present in both drinks is the antioxidant action. This aspect is very important for those looking for better immunity, as well as prevention of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and colds. People mistakenly associate antioxidants with teas, which, although they are rich in this component, have less than coffee. That is, one more point for the little black guy.
Tea is good for the stomach and anxiety
Tea, on the other hand, produces effects that are totally contrary to those of coffee, since its consumption can cause excessive stomach pains, anxiety and insomnia. This is because coffee has a lot of acidity, which harms stomach health, while excessive caffeine causes problems in the nervous system.
On the contrary, teas tend to be a great calming option, especially those of lemon balm, chamomile and mint, not to mention their numerous benefits for our system health digestive. That said, it's important to remember that coffee and tea, although they have similarities, are different drinks, and therefore it doesn't make much sense to compare them. Thus, both will have different effects for different purposes.