Nepal. Nepal General Data

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Nepal is a country located on the Asian continent, it is located between China and India, close to the Himalayas; where the highest point on the planet is located, Mount Everest, with 8 848 meters of altitude. The hill attracts hundreds of climbers every year.

The population of this country follows two religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, but Christianity has conquered space. The country has an area of ​​140,797 km², in which around 29.3 million inhabitants live.
Its population has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world, as it is reflected in the PEA (Population Economically Active) of the country, as around 80% of the population works in primary activities, especially in agriculture.

Mount Everest is located in southeastern Nepal.

Nepal attracts, in addition to climbers, many tourists, as it has many attractions, such as the city where Buddha, Lumbini, the lake town of Pokhara and the Kathmandu valley, which is recognized as a heritage site, was born. humanity. In Kathmandu there are several monuments, such as the Swayambhunath Buddhist temple.
General information

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coat of arms of nepal

Gentile: Nepalese.
Capital: Kathmandu.
Official language: Nepalese.
Type of Government: Republic.
GDP: 48 billion dollars.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.428 (low).
Currency: Nepalese Rupee.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Countries of the world - geography - Brazil School

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