Delicious hibiscus sucha recipe with strawberry; check out

Hibiscus tea can help with weight loss, and thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, this drink is also indicated to improve your quality of life in several ways. Also, when combined with other fruits, it can serve as a delicious and refreshing drink. check out how to make hibiscus suchah with strawberries.

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Hibiscus Sucha with Strawberry


  • 1 tablespoon dried hibiscus flowers (or tea bag);
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 7 strawberries;
  • 1 thin wheel of ginger (peeled);
  • 1 lemon.

Method of preparation

Hibiscus tea

  • First, you must prepare the hibiscus tea. To do this, boil the water and add the hibiscus leaves or sachet and infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Strain and wait for the tea to cool, preferably in the refrigerator.

sucha preparation

  • Take the blender and add the iced hibiscus tea (which you have already made), the strawberries, the juice of a lemon and the gingerbread slice;
  • Then beat this mixture until it's homogeneous;
  • Finally, sweeten, if you want, and sucha is ready to eat!

hibiscus tea benefits

  • Helps with weight loss as it assists in burning fat and is also a good diuretic;
  • Because it has a laxative effect, it helps to better release the stools;
  • Prevents liver diseases and assists in the detoxification process, as it improves the function of this organ;
  • It has an analgesic effect and relieves menstrual cramps and stomach pains;
  • Combat flu and colds as it helps the immune system;
  • Regulates cholesterol levels;
  • Slows down skin aging, as it is rich in antioxidants;
  • It has antihypertensive properties.

Hibiscus is often used as a natural dye in food and is super healthy. In addition, its flowers are also edible and can be put in salads, sweets, soups, sauces and also jellies.

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