Generally, these are the 5 healthiest dog breeds

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The choice to adopt or buy a pet can come directly from the heart, but it is always good to consider the physical conditions that that breed may represent. There are those who prefer small dogs, and there are those who prefer large dogs. Taste is taste, isn't it?

There are some points that can be paramount when deciding which dog to take home, especially health. When choosing a pet, you need to be willing to take care of it as necessary and as it deserves. In addition to the breed, the guardian needs to be responsible for the health of the animal.

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There are some dog breeds considered perfect for people…

If you're confused and need some direction, the following list can help!

Dogs that are healthier


Because it is small, many people may think that the Chihuahua is not healthy, but they rarely have any kind of disease. In fact, it is a dog that has a lot of health. This breed usually has a lot of energy to play and brighten the whole house. The dog can live for 20 years without experiencing difficulty. At most, he has vision problems as he gets older, which is totally normal.

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border collie

It is among the smartest dogs in the world and still very healthy. The Border Collie loves to play, is fun and has no health problems. When cared for the way it deserves, the breed can live for 17 years without difficulty.


This is one of the oldest breeds in the world, managing to evolve into an extremely healthy breed. The breed is friendly, tends to be very obedient, and doesn't bark much. It can present a life of 14 years without the need for extreme care.

Shiba Inu

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It is also among the oldest dogs in the world. Due to its small structure, the Shiba Inu is very resistant, being able to adapt to anything up to 18 years of age.

Australian Cattle Dog

From the entire list, here we have a sports athlete! Very intelligent, the Australian Cattle Dog loves to have fun and likes to run. It can live up to 13 years when properly cared for.

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