Find out if they're wishing you the evil eye with the glass test

Personality tests are tools used to assess and measure different aspects of an individual's personality. They are used to discover traits of our way of being, which is why they go viral in social media.

There are many different types of personality tests, each with its own set of questions and methodology. Check out a simple test that will tell you if you're going to be the most envied person or not. Through them, you can find out if someone is wishing you the evil eye, and why.

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The evil eye is a popular belief in some cultures that believes envy or negativity can affect a person's life.

cup test

Take a deep breath and focus on getting a tip for the end of the year. After that, look at the image below and choose one of the three cups that appear below.

Source: Informe Brasil


Option 1

This first option means they are not looking at you, and the various ailments you have are simply a product of the stress and exhaustion you are experiencing. When a person is stressed or exhausted, their body produces stress hormones.

stress, such as cortisol, which can have negative effects on many systems in the body.

For this reason, do something to distract yourself and take the necessary rest.

Option 2

Option 2 says that you are really getting the evil eye, that it comes from someone close to you who is very jealous of you. This is all because lately you've had some success and things have worked out for you.

In these cases, it is recommended that you look at ways to protect and care for yourself.

Option 3

This choice means that some time ago you received the evil eye from a very close friend or family member, as you achieved what he or she could not. However, the effects are already passing and you can see that.

In any case, use a protection element so that you are no longer affected.

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