CNH Social: see how to get your driver's license for free

With high unemployment, many people are acting autonomously as couriers, private or app drivers. However, for all these services listed, it is necessary to have a National Driver's License (driver's license). With increasingly high values ​​to remove the document, we discuss here about the program CNH Social, which promises to assist citizens in acquiring this very important license.

Read more: Price to get CNH should decrease by up to 80%

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Learn more about the CNH Social Program and criteria for applying

Created by the Social Service of Transport (SEST) and the National Transport Learning Service (SENAT) in 2011, the CNH Social program was expanded by the Federal Government. The objective is to help the low-income population obtain their first driver's license, completely free of charge and paid for by the federative unit in partnership with the Union.

However, the program has eligibility criteria and some limitations regarding the coverage area, that is, some states are not part of the program. Therefore, to find out if the municipality or state where you live is a public entity accredited to the government program, check the official website of the Detran.

Among the accredited states, the following stand out: Bahia, Amazonas, Pernambuco, Ceará, Acre, Alagoas, Amapá and Paraíba. See below the requirements to participate in the program:

  • Be enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico);
  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • Have attended and completed high school in the public network;
  • 5% of spaces are reserved for people with disabilities;
  • Have a monthly family income of at most 2 minimum wages.

In the future, can the program's coverage be nationwide?

Bill No. 5122/2020, created by federal deputy Norma Ayub (DEM-ES), proposes the creation of the CNH Citizen Program, valid throughout the national territory, to "dispose of expenses borne by the National Fund for Traffic Safety and Education (FUNSET)”. In this way, the project to obtain a free CNH will be nationalized and funded by Funset.

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